Thursday, 18 May 2017

World need more of Original💝 Than of Copies..💕

Childhood is the most Beautiful Phase of our life, that we still cherish💕
Everybody created some special memories when they were innocent brains, not affected by worries and troubles.

What innocent journey it was when we stepped into our childhood phase. We fell in love with the originality of people and not their physical appearance- look or body. We were so mature in understanding this concept when we were innocent kids.

But with the passage of time, with years, we leveled up from teenager phase to adulthood.
As soon as we entered this level of adulthood, things appeared so different. When we looked around closer there were so many smiling mask surrounding us, making it appear as a wonderful place like heaven. We were so excited to grow up and finally we did.
But suddenly everybody started behaving differently. With the touch of ribbon on completing the race of job, we felt so proud of getting into a company. Finally we proved ourself we were worthy enough.

Everything was good at sight
With the passage of time, 
Some showed their real side.
Some showed their real faces saying "don't come in my way, else you will be perished"and
removed their mask that they wore when you shared this news of job with them which then
said to you- " i am happy for you".

They make you look to the real side of story.
They made you believe not everybody is happy for your success when you aim it.
You discovered the fact that originality has lost its identity a century before you arrived to this phase of adulthood. And which is perishing with the passage of time.
If no change is brought into being, the day is not far when real souls and genuine souls, will fall under extinct category like that of species, etc.

You also encountered few that accepted your real side and who were actually happy to see you climb up in life these faces were of the-"the genuine ones", who actually cared for you and wished for your success.
 Then you were introduced to some who were envious of you,
who were friends at face but
we're competitor at heart.
Some smiled to have cordial relations with you so that they can use you in times of need.
There were some really sweet friends around, who were sugar coated species that always prayed for your misfortune in abundance just because they can't be like you.
They were jealous when you started running in the race faster than them. Now you know where you landed in the name of "adulthood".
When you become an adult you realized the essence of maintaining relations so for that you need to fake it a bit to make it workout peacefully.

But majority of us took the
"Overdose of Fakeness💓"
made us kill the innocent child inside of us. 

It was killed by our ignorance and by our craze for being acceptable by others in society.
We forgot our society promotes fake ones over real ones, so we let it damage our organs and perish originality from this world.

We need more of original than of copies.
You know why, people don't get difficult books easily?
Not because of the mind blowing vocab but because of the wrong interpretation of it at first.
Some people won't interpret you at first but with willingness to understand you they will love you for the person you are.
Some will know your dark side and
will still choose to stand by your side.
While some will leave you for not turning up as a person they expected out of you.
Because such people are deprived of originality as they have lost one for them.

"Originality is Hard to hold💝 But Easy to drop💔".
If you enjoy your original side💗 you will never need fakeness 💓 by your side.

Originality is the biggest attire we can wear to make us more acceptable in society.
Be yourself and the world would adjust and make changes for you to become more acceptable to this society.
It will never let you face things you never wanted to face.
It will protect you from everything you thought you can't face it until you fake it.
The Only thing we forget when we grow as adults is:
 "Our Beauty" ❤that came along 
with the "Originality"👌 we possessed 
from the time of "Birth"💫.. 
Be your Original copy not a Pirate one
Don't become a copycat 👯 to be Acceptable to 👉 this World, 
Become a masterpiece 👌 to be Irreplaceable to 👉 this World.

-Garima Pradhan

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